Robotic technology can be found in clocks, remote control vehicles,
automobile computers, Aibo, factory robotic arms, self-guided rovers,
service bots like ASIMO, robotic toys like AIBO or Robo-Raptor and a CNC
milling machine. To be considered a "robot," the specimen must be able
to interact with its environment and physically do something. Most
recently, robots are being used in surgery, disaster recovery and
Historically, ancient people believed in the existence of a humanoid
robot species. The Greek god Hephaestus was thought to have created
mechanical servants to help him build temples. Furthermore, the Jewish
people thought that clay golems could come to life and the Norse
believed that clay giants could awaken.
In 4th Century BC, Greek mathematicians Archytas of Tarentum proposed
that he could create a steam-powered bird known as "The Pigeon."
Additionally, Hero of Alexandria (10-70 AD) devised automated machinery
powered by air pressure and steam. In 1088, Su Song developed the first clock tower that was built using
mechanical figurines and audible chimes. In 1206, the first humanoid
robot was created by Al-Jazari, a Muslim inventor who wished to
entertain royal guests with automated musicians who played on a boat in a
lake. Al-Jazari was already well-known for constructing everything from
kitchen appliances and other astounding robotic machines.
There are many different ways to think about robotic technology. For
instance, do we want an artificial being to look like a human or an
unmistakable nuts-and-bolts prototype? Should they go to work at the
plant or in our own homes? Should they think for themselves or be simply
capable of pre-programmed simplified tasks?
There are "soft robots," which have silicone bodies and flexible
actuators that behave almost human-like. There are "swarm robots" that
behave like bees or ants, cooperating together to find something, clean,
explore space or spy.
"Haptic interface robots" allow users to interact with virtual
simulation environments. Engineers are always coming up with new designs
and uses for automation robotics.
Robotic technology is continually progressing. Early prototypes used
steam, water or air, while new robotic prototypes use actuators,
electric DC motors and air muscles. To study robotics engineering,
interested students can attend Worcester Polytechnic Institute, which is
the only school that offers a Bachelor of Science in Robotics
Other schools have graduate programs based on robotics automation,
including Carnegie Mellon University, MIT, UPENN and UCLA. To increase
early interest in this field, programs like FIRST Robotics were devised
to encourage students as young as six to look to math, science and
technology fields for hobbies.